How do we face our doubts without losing our faith?
Mercy Church hosted guest speaker Barnabas Piper on November 5, 2022, to teach about faith reconstruction. Throughout three sessions, we learned how to ask questions, explore doubt, and cultivate tools to think about our faith. If you find yourself going through this process, or you know people who are, check out the recordings from the weekend below and learn how to ask questions without losing your faith in Jesus, the scriptures, and the church.
Barnabas Piper
Barnabas Piper is a pastor, author, podcaster, and speaker who lives with his wife and two daughters near Nashville, Tennessee. He serves at Immanuel Church and writes regularly for He Reads Truth. Barnabas has authored several books and Bible studies and co-hosts The Happy Rant podcast, a popular show discussing issues of faith and culture in a light-hearted, humorous manner.
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