Mercy Students

Partnering with families to raise up a new generation of disciples

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Welcome to Mercy Students

A new generation of disciples who love God, love each other, and love our world

Whether you are a sixth grader or a high school senior, we want you to know that you are fully loved and fully known by a good God who created you to find your identity and purpose in Him! In Mercy Students, we believe we are all sent by God to show His love to the world, and we would love to come alongside you as you discover all that God has for you.

stay updated

Want to be on the Mercy Students email list? Sign up to begin receiving our monthly newsletter, full of upcoming events and news specifically for Mercy Students!

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Our Student Ministry

We gather together in both weekly and monthly rhythms for accountability and worship. Join us!

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Weekly Groups

We have groups for middle school boys, middle school girls, high school girls, and high school boys. Find your campus below!

  • Northeast meets Sundays from 9:00 – 10:15 am during the first service at our Northeast campus. On weeks where we have Mercy Students Live, we will not gather the following Sunday.
  • Providence Road meets Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 pm at our Providence Road campus.
  • Union County meets Sundays from 9:00 – 10:15 am during the first service at our Union County campus. On weeks where we have Mercy Students Live, we will not gather the following Sunday.


We are currently going through the curriculum from The Gospel Project, a chronological Bible study that celebrates the redemptive plan that unfolds throughout the scriptures. Through this curriculum, students will have a more comprehensive view of the Bible, the Gospel, and God. Furthermore, they will be challenged to make their faith their own and to make disciples who make disciples!

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Mercy Students Live

Mercy Students Live is our monthly gathering for all 6th-12th graders, typically held on the first Wednesday of the month! On this Wednesday evening, students from all our campuses meet together at our Providence Road campus!

This is a great opportunity for students to invite their friends to come play games, worship the Lord, and just have fun together! 

Future Dates:
February 5
March 12
April 2
May 7

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Community Outreach

Mercy Students partners with the Dream Center through their Adopt-a-Block program, which seeks to give hope and bring transformation for Charlotte’s most at-risk neighborhoods through consistent and dedicated home visits, relationship building, and physical acts of service.⁠

Mercy Students serves in this way the first Saturday of the month and specific dates can be found in the weekly newsletter!


For our Parents

Check out these resources to empower you in the spiritual discipleship your student.

Student/Parent Roundtables

Mercy Students hosts semi-annual Student/Parent Roundtables. These are designed for students from 6th-12th grade and parents to come and learn together about culturally relevant and often divisive topics. Our aim is to unite and unify families under the name of Jesus and to partner with parents in order to raise up the next generation of disciples who love God, love each other, and love our world. Be sure to sign up for our weekly newsletter so you’ll know when the next one is!

Free Axis Membership

We highly recommend all of our families to check out Axis. Axis is an organization with a vision to see all caring adults equipped with the conversation, discipleship, and culture translation skills needed to reach the next generation for Christ. Additionally, it’s an entirely free resource! Check out Axis’ The Culture Translator Podcast on Spotify or Apple.


We strive to provide a healthy and safe community where students can build relationships, grow in their faith, and participate in the mission of the church. We have a dedicated team that seeks to come alongside parents to disciple students.

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Brett Bouldin

Connect with the Student Pastor

Hey! My name is Brett Bouldin and I am the Student Pastor at Mercy Church! Whether you’re a parent, a student, or an interested volunteer, I would love to have a conversation with you – if that’s something you would like to do, please reach out to me at