We send God’s people to all people
To see a Gospel awakening
in the city of Charlotte that is carried to the ends of the earth
We still have a long way to go in reaching our city and world with the gospel, but we are striving to do just that through our Community Engagement and Missions efforts! We believe that the gospel’s good news should transform our lives and encourage us to love and serve others with the love and service Jesus first showed us! Keep reading to learn how we plan to reach our city and the world.

Outreach Opportunities

Community Engagement
Serving alongside local partners, we seeks to engage the marginalized members of society with the gospel by meeting both physical and spiritual needs. We believe that God is glorified when we build relationships and serve the hurting community around us.

Short-Term Trips
The gospel propels us to go to the nations, and we believe that short-term trips are one of the best ways for you to grow as a disciple of Jesus. Working alongside our partners within their ministry gives us a chance to serve and encourage them while experiencing God’s work in a different culture. Trips for 2024 have not yet been announced.

Missions Pipeline
Our pipeline is designed to help people discover God’s heart for the nations, develop in preparation for cross-cultural ministry, and deploy to strategic opportunities among unreached people groups. Keep reading to learn more!