
We send God’s people to all people


40% of the world

has little to no access to the gospel

Each week we conclude our worship gathering with, “You are sent.” That is our reminder to one another that the gospel is never intended to stay just with us. We still have a long way to go to reach those who have not heard the name of Jesus. Jesus told his disciples to take the great hope of the gospel all the way to the ends of the earth (Matthew 28:18-20), and each generation of believers has sought to advance that mission for the past 2,000 years. This is our time. With the joy and power the gospel gives us, Mercy Church is committed to taking the gospel to people groups who have never heard it.

So, how do we do it?

We equip and send ordinary followers of Jesus to the ends of the earth!

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The gospel propels us to go to the nations, and we believe that short-term trips are one of the best ways for you to experience how God is working all over the world and grow as a disciple of Jesus.

Our Missions Pipeline


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Mission of God Class

This class will equip you to know and engage the mission God has for his church. Over six weeks, we will explore what scripture says about the purpose of the Church today and teach practical ways to engage a lost world – from our neighborhoods to the nations – with the good news of the Gospel!

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Disciple-Making Teams

Disciple Making Teams, or “DMTs,” exist at Mercy to glorify God by equipping team members to make disciples of all nations as a result of individual abiding in Christ and corporate teamwork and worship. As a team member, you will focus on cross-cultural disciple-making and learn practical ways to engage in the Great Commission.

Fall, Spring, Summer, 10-weeks.


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Go Group

These groups exist to equip disciple-makers who intend to move overseas within the next one to three years. They provide a clear and proven pathway for Mercy members (as well as members of other churches in our area) to prepare for a life of disciple-making and church-planting among the unreached.

9 months. DMTs are a recommended prerequisite to joining a Go Group.


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While in Go Group training, the Mobilization Team will help connect you to a strategic sending agency, team, and location and begin the process of on-boarding to deploy within 1-3 years of completing training.

We currently have members serving in South Asia, Europe, and Africa.


Want to get connected to our missions pipeline or take a short term trip?

To learn more about our missions mobilization pipeline, connect with one of our mobilization team members below by clicking on their photos or send a general message by clicking below.