How to Share the Gospel

by Scott Urbanek

Well, it’s now been about two weeks since our first Equip Forum and I’ve been so encouraged to hear from many of you as to how God has already been using our time together to grow you as a faithful and bold disciple, an evangelist. In fact, one of our members who attended the forum got the opportunity to lead someone to Christ at work the next day! Praise God! I’m convinced that as we continue to share and continue to plead with others to surrender their lives to Christ, we will see God save many more. Especially for those of you who weren’t able to attend this Equip Forum, I’d like to share some helpful resources with you:

PRINT. The first is the My Story – God’s Story booklet. This lays out the evangelism strategy we’ve decided to use for sharing the gospel, called My Story – God’s Story. In the booklet, we discuss the importance of sharing our own stories – how we’ve seen God’s redemption and power in our lives – as well as the importance of concisely and accurately sharing the gospel – God’s story. And we also look at how to most effectively do both.

AUDIO. I’m also including the audio from the Equip Forum below. I’ve split it up into three movements: Introduction and argument for biblical importance of evangelism, My Story and how to effectively share it, and God’s Story – an explanation of the gospel and how to share it, as well as a couple real-time mock gospel conversations!

I pray these resources help to equip you as you go and share the gospel with your friends, family and coworkers. We must remember, church, that Christ has saved us and called us to his very own mission – to make disciples of all nations. May God continue to seek and save the lost through us as we step boldly into his mission!