Grieving With Hope For Charlotte – Tonight at Christ Central Church

by mercychurch

Mercy family, as we seek to process the painful events that have happened in Charlotte over the last day, we want to provide you with an opportunity for open discussion and to grieve with hope.

Christ Central Church has opened their doors to the Mercy Church family for a discussion and prayer time that they are hosting in response to yesterday’s events. Christ Central’s Pastor Howard Brown will be leading the discussion. We invite you to come sit, pray and grieve with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ as we seek to encourage one another in the hope that only Christ can bring.

“For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility.” – Ephesians 2:14

Location: Christ Central Church, 3646 Central Ave

Time: Dinner (provided by Christ Central) will begin at 5:30pm, and discussion will begin at 6:30pm

Childcare will be available.