Mercy Equip

New Class

Property Lines: An Introduction to Boundaries | June 24

This single-evening class will look at what boundaries are and are not, what healthy and unhealthy boundaries look like, and ways that Scripture informs how healthy boundaries promote true Christian love!


Welcome to Mercy Equip

Practical training for gospel living

As you grow in your faith and walk with Jesus, we want to equip you for every good work and help you to live out the gospel in everyday life. Below you will find a list of current and upcoming classes and forums, as well as articles that we help you navigate and consider important topics. Whether you are new to your faith, new to Charlotte, or new to Mercy, we hope that you will learn how to be a faithful disciple of Jesus who makes disciples of Jesus!

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2024 bible reading plan

Study God’s Word

We recommend the plan below to guide your personal Bible study.

The Bible Recap with Tara-Leigh Cobble

The Bible Recap is a short podcast/video (~8 minutes per day) and book (2 pages per day) by Tara-Leigh Cobble. She’ll highlight and summarize that day’s Bible reading in a casual, easy-to-understand way to help you not only read scripture but also love it!

2024 is a Leap Year, so be sure to select the Whole Bible Leap Year (366-Day) plan in Step 2.

Summer in the Psalms 2024

Spend this summer in the Psalms with a 10-week challenge through Psalm 119! Sign up for our summer scripture challenge and receive a devotional each week delivered directly to your inbox to help you soak up God’s Word all summer!

Classes & studies

Current Opportunities

Looking for other men or women who want to study God’s word together?

Women’s Gathering | April 12

Join us for an evening to be together in worship, to hear from the Word of God, and to fellowship together this April! Hosted at our Providence Road campus on Friday, April 12 at 7 PM. Doors will open at 6:30 for fellowship, beverages, and light snacks. Learn more about our guest speaker, Sheena English, here!

Men’s Bible Studies | Begin in March

Men’s Bible studies exist to encourage men to become more like Jesus as they study scripture together and pray for one another. These groups will begin meeting the first week of March to study the book of Hebrews together and will be offered at different locations throughout the city!

Connect Groups

Connect with people in similar stages of life.

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Young Pros

Young Professional Gatherings are a chance to meet other believers in the same stage of life while learning how to steward your life for the sake of the kingdom! To get connected to Young Pros, click the button below!

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Lydia Collection

The Lydia Collection strives to build professional women into successful gospel messengers in the workplace! Join us on the fourth Tuesday evening of the month at our Providence Road campus!

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PRIME (Ages 55+)

55 or older? You’re in the prime of life! PRIME meets monthly for dinner, fellowship, and encouragement. To get connected to PRIME, click the button below!


Reconstructing Faith Conference

Mercy Church hosted guest speaker Barnabas Piper on November 5, 2022, to teach about faith reconstruction. Throughout three sessions, we learned how to ask questions, explore doubt, and cultivate tools to think about our faith. If you find yourself going through this process, or you know people who are, check out the recordings from the weekend and learn how to ask questions without losing your faith in Jesus, the scriptures, and the church.
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Classes & Forums

Redeeming Sex Weekend
Reconstructing Faith
See all Classes & Forums


Considering a role in full-time ministry?

It doesn’t get more practical than how you spend your 9 to 5 every day! Mercy’s Residency program is for those who believe God is calling them into full-time ministry or church planting, as well as those who believe they will be involved in some form of Christian vocational work in the future.