Sermon Series

Easter 2024

This message is from Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024. We held seven services across our three campuses, and celebrated baptisms at every service! Listen in as Pastor Spence discusses what Jesus' resurrection means for you!

Easter 2024
Sign 7: Jesus Raises the Dead

Sign 7: Jesus Raises the Dead

by Spence Shelton

Pastor Spence finishes our series on the seven signs of Jesus recorded in the gospel of John with a message on Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. He emphasizes Jesus' love for Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, and his power over death.

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Sign 6: Jesus Heals the Blind

Sign 6: Jesus Heals the Blind

by Spence Shelton

Pastor Spence continues in our series with the account of Jesus healing a blind man in John 9. This sign illustrates the transformation one experiences upon encountering Jesus and the power of personal testimonies in sharing the gospel.

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Sign 5: Jesus Walks on Water

Sign 5: Jesus Walks on Water

by Darrick Smith

Campus Pastor of our Northeast campus, Darrick Smith, continues in our series that explores the seven signs of Jesus recorded in the gospel of John. His message explores the story of Jesus walking on water in John 6:16-21, emphasizing that God's presence is better than the signs he performs.

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Sign 4: Jesus Feeds the 5000

Sign 4: Jesus Feeds the 5000

by Spence Shelton

Pastor Spence dives into the significance of the feeding of the 5000 as the only sign of Jesus recorded in all four Gospels, highlighting Jesus' role as the bread of life. He walks through the abundance Jesus provides, his sustenance as the bread of life, and the practical application of making him the center of our daily lives.

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Sign 3: Jesus Heals on the Sabbath

Sign 3: Jesus Heals on the Sabbath

by Spence Shelton

Pastor Spence continues in our series in the gospel of John. This week's message covers Jesus healing a disabled man after 38 years. The sermon highlights Jesus' miraculous power and challenges the rigid interpretation of Sabbath rules by the religious leaders.

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Sign 2: Jesus Heals the Official’s Son

Sign 2: Jesus Heals the Official’s Son

by Spence Shelton

Pastor Spence continues our new series on Jesus' signs recorded in the Gospel of John. He focuses on Jesus' miraculous healing of the royal official's son and discusses three key ingredients of faith.

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Sign 1: Jesus Turns Water into Wine

Sign 1: Jesus Turns Water into Wine

by Spence Shelton

Pastor Spence introduces our series on Jesus' signs in the gospel of John. Jesus' first sign, turning water into wine, reveals Jesus' power to transform shame into honor, and delivers a greater message of Jesus' glory and power.

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Blessed Are the Persecuted

Blessed Are the Persecuted

by Spence Shelton

Pastor Spence finishes our series with the eighth beatitude, "Blessed are the persecuted," by helping us understand what this verse means for the modern-day believer.

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Blessed Are the Peacemakers – Pastor Mike

Blessed Are the Peacemakers – Pastor Mike

by Mike Herman

Pastor Mike teaches on the seventh beatitude, "Blessed are the peacemakers," by defining peace, explaining our role as children of God, and giving practical handles on how we can live as peacemakers.

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Blessed Are the Peacemakers – Pastor Darrick

Blessed Are the Peacemakers – Pastor Darrick

by Darrick Smith

Pastor Darrick teaches on the seventh beatitude, "Blessed are the peacemakers," explaining that God's children embody a life of peacemaking.

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Blessed Are the Peacemakers – Pastor Brett

Blessed Are the Peacemakers – Pastor Brett

by Brett Bouldin

Pastor Brett teaches on the seventh beatitude, "Blessed are the peacemakers," defining what being a peacemaker means and giving practical advice for obtaining and maintaining peacefulness.

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Blessed Are the Pure in Heart

Blessed Are the Pure in Heart

by Spence Shelton

Pastor Spence teaches on the sixth beatitude, "Blessed are the pure in heart," explaining what it means, how we become pure in heart, and how we remain that way.

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Come to Jesus and Bring Your Friends

Come to Jesus and Bring Your Friends

by Allan Waruhiu

Guest speaker Allan Waruhiu, Lead Pastor of Mercy Nairobi in Nairobi, Kenya, appeals for us to come to Jesus and bring our friends! He focuses on Jesus' compassion and authority in healing the paralyzed man from Mark 2, and emphasizes the importance of having faith, trusting in God for the impossible, and sharing the message of Jesus with others.

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Blessed Are the Merciful

Blessed Are the Merciful

by Spence Shelton

Pastor Spence teaches on the fifth beatitude, "Blessed are the merciful," by exploring the concept of mercy using a parable from Matthew 18. He emphasizes that giving mercy opens the door to receiving more of God's mercy, urging believers to reflect on extending mercy to others despite difficulties, leading to healing and reconciliation.

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Blessed Are Those Who Hunger for Righteousness – Pastor Rashard

Blessed Are Those Who Hunger for Righteousness – Pastor Rashard

by Rashard Barnes

Pastor Rashard teaches on the fourth beatitude, explaining what it means to hunger and thirst for righteousness and encouraging listeners to draw near to God and empty themselves to the world so that they may be filled.

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There is Hope for Sinners

There is Hope for Sinners

by Spence Shelton

Pastor Spence explains the significance of Jesus' resurrection. He discusses the credibility of the resurrection based on historical evidence. He addresses objections to it, challenges us to consider the implications of the resurrection on our lives, and invites us to find true joy and fulfillment in Jesus rather than in empty tombs.

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