What God Says About _____.

As we seek to understand what God's Word says about various everyday topics like government, friendships, work, parenting, and our words, we turn to Proverbs. Proverbs is a compilation of wise sayings and teachings attributed primarily to King Solomon, and offers profound insights into various aspects of daily life. It emphasizes the importance of prudent and thoughtful speech, highlighting that words have the power to heal or harm, and advocates for honesty, kindness, and restraint in communication. It underscores the significance of discipline and instruction, advising parents to nurture their children with wisdom and guide them towards righteousness and understanding. Politically, it stresses the value of justice, integrity, and righteous leadership, warning against the pitfalls of corruption and the folly of unwise counsel. Join us for this series as we seek timeless guidance for leading a life marked by wisdom, moral integrity, and social harmony.

What God Says About _____.

What God Says About Work

by Spence Shelton

Pastor Spence explains that God calls us to view work as a form of worship, highlighting that work was a part of the original design of creation before sin entered the world. He expounds upon this idea with Biblical evidence that work is not meant to be viewed as a necessary evil or sole source of identity, but because of sin, work often leads to frustrations, challenges, and disappointments that can detract from its intended purpose. Ultimately, Pastor Spence reassures us that through Jesus, who redeems all aspects of life, work can be redeemed and transformed into a powerful avenue for glorifying God and serving others.