Exodus: Into the Wilderness
In the spring of 2022, we followed the Israelites to freedom as they relied on God to provide a way out of Egypt. God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of their suffering, and He provided a way of escape through the plagues sent on the Egyptians and the Passover. As we study this next installment of Exodus, we will rejoin the Israelites on their journey into the wilderness with God as their guide. May we discover God's faithfulness to us to be just as true today as it was during the Israelites’ journey, and may we find freedom from sin's captivity as we study Exodus together.

Red Sea Deliverance
Pastor Spence uses the Israelites’ passage through the Red Sea as an example of how God is still with us in our unknowns and uncertainties. When God calls us to decisions that may feel backward to the word, He uses these seasons to do something in our lives that ultimately brings him glory and reveals Himself as the one, true God.