
The Book of Romans is the Bible’s mountaintop treatment of the gospel and its implications for the Christian life. It addresses core themes of the gospel, highlighting the universal sinfulness of humanity and the necessity of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Paul emphasizes that righteousness comes from God alone and is received by faith, not by adherence to the law. The letter discusses the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in the process of sanctification. Additionally, Romans provides practical guidance for living out the gospel - encouraging love, humility, and obedience in everyday life.


All Have Sinned

by Darrick Smith

Pastor Darrick emphasizes the importance of recognizing humanity’s unrighteousness and believing in God’s righteousness. From Romans 3, he illustrates how everyone is guilty of sin and subject to God’s judgment. He stresses that there is a penalty for unrighteousness, explaining that while we deserve punishment, Jesus serves as our mediator who takes our place. Ultimately, Pastor Darrick invites the congregation to accept this good news of forgiveness and justification through faith in Christ, encouraging those who haven’t yet made that decision to do so today.