Brad Hambrick serves as the Pastor of Counseling at The Summit Church in Durham, NC. He also serves as Instructor of Biblical Counseling at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, a council member of the Biblical Counseling Coalition, and has authored several books including Do Ask, Do Tell, Let’s Talk: Why and How Christians Should Have Gay Friends and God’s Attributes: Rest for Life’s Struggles. Brad has been a great gift to many battling against the overwhelming darkness of depression and anxiety, and we would like to point you toward a few of his resources on the topic. For more resources, visit
- Overcoming Depression-Anxiety: A Responsibility Paradigm // video and podcast
- Overcoming Depression-Anxiety: A Suffering Paradigm // video and podcast
- Towards a Christian Perspective of Mental Illness // video and podcast
If you call Mercy Church home and would like to speak with a pastor about your depression and anxiety, we are here to talk.