Church Planting

THE network

A planted church that plants churches

In 2015, our Lead Pastor, Spence Shelton was sent to plant a church right here in the city of Charlotte by his sending church – The Summit Church in Durham, NC. Because of that, Mercy Church is a part of The Summit Collaborative, which means we are committed to sending out our best people to go and plant more churches. These gospel goodbyes aren’t easy, and are often bittersweet, but we believe that this is God’s plan for reaching the lost around the world.


In Altanta as it is in Heaven

In the summer of 2024, our Church Planting Resident, Joseph Anderson, and his family will move to Atlanta, Georgia, to plant Kingdom City Church! Learn more about this plant, ways to pray for them, and how you can support them financially.

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In Nairobi as it is in Heaven

In the summer of 2022, our Church Planting Resident, Allan Waruhiu, and his family moved to Nairobi, Kenya to plant a church called Mercy Nairobi and an outreach organization called Mercy House.

If you’d like to support Mercy Nairobi or Mercy House financially, click the general fund button below. To support The Waruhiu family financially, choose the family fund button below.

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Church Planting Residency

Considering planting a church?

We partner with Summit Collaborative to prepare those who are interested in planting a church through their residency program. If you’d like to learn more about this process, please email our Pastor of College and Missions, Scott Urbanek.